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Friday, April 19, 2013

Tilly's Moonlight Garden by Julia Green

Tilly's Moonlight Garden is a great book. I went through it in five days! I read ALL day long; around 10 chapters a day. I liked to read it out on our porch. We have a wooden shelf on the edge of our porch and I balance on it with my back leaning against a column. I liked how it was so warm and sunny there in the afternoons.

The story is about Tilly and her friend and a fox. Tilly was very lonely when the story began so she played outside most of the daytime. And one night she went to bed and heard the fox scream it's terrible, howling scream! The next night she looked out of the window and saw the fox look back at her and then it ran off into the woods. The next morning she followed the trail that the fox had left her and it led her to a magic garden. It is funny because no magic happened there. I don't know why Tilly called it a magic garden.

Tilly made a den for herself there. The next time she went there there was rosebuds weaved into the grass that she weaved into the sticks. Tilly wasn't the one who put them there. She thought that it was a girl (that could be her friend) and it was! And then they met eventually in the den that Tilly had made.

I didn't really love the grandma because she only made oatmeal for Tilly. I liked how the ending had a picture of a flower.

What made me keep turning the pages and reading them all is it is just such a good story. I loved the book. That's all I can say.

by Anna

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